Sample Work statement (Employment Reference)

All work statements (or work references) need to contain the following elements:

  • Company letterhead, including
    • full street address and
    • postal address,
    • email address (if applicable)
    • phone number contact
    • web address (if applicable)
    • Date (that it was written – day/month/year*)
  • Name of employee
  • Name of the company
  • Start date (day/month/year*)
  • Finish date (day/month/year*)
  • Nature of employment (full-time, part-time or casual – preferably stating the average number of hours per week)
  • The position held
  • Where (which country) employed
  • At least five (5) of the main duties or tasks performed in the stated position.
  • Signature of the writer
  • full name and position of the writer
  • For some skill assessment authorities, a certified copy is needed.

*All date MUST be complete – that is contain the day, month and year (day/month/year).

It is best for a seperate statement per position rather than employer (please see the first example) – however if all the information for a number of positions or terms of employment are in the one statement that is also acceptable (please see the second example).

All scans should be in colour and at a reasonable resolution (150 dpi should be considered the minimum) file sizes should always be less than 1Mb.

There are a few skill assessment authorities that insist that the scan be of a certified copy of the original.

A certified copy is where an authorised person has stamped a copy as being a “true and accurate copy of the original document” as sighted by that person, and affixes that person’s details. Example 2 has such a stamp. Please note that if the authorised person writes this by hand rather than using a stamp – this is quite acceptable.  


Please find Work Statement Example here